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And now, young Skywalker... you will die.
careful, I hear a hunter...
not now the unibomber is watching
use the force
Death takes no holidays.
Fitting that they're in a restaurant called Fir.
Evan Scrooge is seeing his wife thanks to the ghost of cristmas present.
I think he looks like Spock! Hihi
Dad I.....
WTF 111!!!
hunter !!
"Is he still there?" "You look." "No YOU look!"
Patrick stewert is being a perve
Voldemort does not approve
I think the guy is pissed at the camera man for taking his picture. Dude, he took his eyes off the chick, he must e pissed! You better run!!
you shall not pass!!!
Mommy and Daddy, why did we invite the unibomber to Christmas? :(
You will both rot in Hell!
I hate the holidays
And now, young Skywalker... you will die.