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Heheheheh... Little do they know but, I own this joint.
wait! a flying T-shirt!!
Samuel L. Jackson is in everything
NINJA : closer than you think
Hooooooooo, Nice couple
He doesn't realize it yet but the black guy has his d*ck in his girlfriend.
theres also a hand that looks like its petting her hair
If I stand really still I might be able to blend in.
D: i shate brix
awee they are so fckin............... HOLLYYY FUCKING SHIT!!
Black Smeagle- ahhh My Prrrrreeeecious!
If you look closely you'll find that there are 3 people in this shot.
I trust you enjoyed the muscle-relaxant cocktails, Mr. Bond?!
Heheheheh... Little do they know but, I own this joint.