Current Reactions
Sir, please just stand over there with your kiwi shirt and wait while my woman takes pictures of me in my snazzy tour guide outfit.
Nice Bell Bottoms. Lol.
How ya doing!
Respect my funky legs!!
Is that Chamillionaire?
у чувака ноги как в рекламе левайса)))
Just make sure you don't get my black gay boy lover in the shot... Great, thanks, douche...
shit did my leg just pop outta place again?!
damn those are some sweet calf muscles
Dude, you farted !
Cutting one in the mountain air.
We're all hungry, be patient.
Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans and *****Wayans
Sir, please just stand over there with your kiwi shirt and wait while my woman takes pictures of me in my snazzy tour guide outfit.