Current Reactions
Stepfather, you know I am going to tell my mum about these little camera sessions!
...But why can't I go to school like other kids? And, why are there always creepy guys here when you take my picture?...
Daddy, you do know that this is a police sting operation right?
Can't I ever come in here to take a shower without you and your friends sneaking in with that damn camera?
mmmmm, boobies
that is a little girl, what is wrong with yall
pedo bait
um like totally im 12 omygawd
Meth pipe?? .... What meth pipe???
никаких айди...!)) my boobies wait for them! no creepy guys-no boobies! ..WTF im dooing here..Dimmy>Kirry>Nikky>Misha- dorrkks!!!!!!!i hate you my lovely friends!))
Are Those Harry and Ron At the Back??
Once it is cannot be unseen........
and nobody notices the people in the window
thumbs if you see the two kids through the window.
fap fap fa.ooh i already came,i am a sex machine
uh oh... down boner down...
lol i know her!
Wtf are those kids laughing about? ... and why isn't she?
If you're 23 and look ten years younger, you can make a bloody fortune
deamons in the window!! they are looking the blonde girl !!
your busted! the're going to tell your parents about ur pictorial XD those two kids on the window
давай айди вконтакте)))))
Most of you are sick with your fantasies! She can be 20 years old for all you know! Yet you rant on disgusting things on incest and pedophilia.
Little girl, my arse - she's twenty if she's a day
Down Penis! Do you want us to ygo back to prison and get raped by Jim?!
Ahh.. now I see what has spoiled
there are so many things spoiled with this photo.
um she looks like it was a forced sho......AAAAHHHHH KILL IT KILL IT!!!!
It was the sudden realisation that I am a paedophile that ruined this picture for me.
Такое чувство что в жопе ковыряется
What is Harry Potter smoking?
mmmmm, boobies... Uhm there's two gays in the mirror, but wth? booooooooobies !!!
Os viadinhos
Stepfather, you know I am going to tell my mum about these little camera sessions!