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Free NUKE !!!
seconds before Robocop head butts a drunk and disorderly citizen.
Fuck Yeah!!1
hey, no, robo! watch where your gun aim at!!
My drunk dad said I should grab your drill bit...He had me do the same thing to C3P0 at MGM....
double spoil! Guy in the back and robocop's pistol aimed on boy's penis
does no one notice the dude with the dreads? the old lady in plaid? .. or the fact that that mexican by the dude with dreads and a highschool backpack is giving the dumbas drunk kid a death stare?
I want that giant can of Red Bull ^.^
I think that kid is drunk
That's Red Bull for you.
Headbut? I was thinkin' machine gun fire
There are just so many things to make fun of in this picture...
Suddenly, Robocop's soul flew out of his body
Whooooo! Supermaaan !
Yeah, I love little kids by my Hard As Metal package
Free NUKE !!!