Current Reactions
a tiny weapon of mass destruction
Can you blame them? She's beautiful! I'd do the same thing.
Dignity,these guys traded theirs for cameras
Shame on me... *click click click*
There are better angles this photo could have been taken at.
Surprise Penis!
Japan; the land of opportunity
Asian guys with photo equipment? I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED I tell you!!
Um, guys, I am required to inform you of the fact that, you are all being filmed and, a photo WILL be posted on the net. However, face blurring is available for the low low price of $2000... EACH!
WOW so many pictures facing upskirt!!! BUT WE GET THE ONE THAT IS NOT!!!
Its always important to protect the privacy of men sticking their cameras up girls skirts.
I'm out of control! I do what I want!!
What? Everyone else is doing it.
CRAP! My battery is dead. So is mine. MINE TOO!
a weapon of mass turbation
Need to sell more records, it is time for the "secret weapon"
Desperate and dateless
Why doesn't she seem to care?
asians, quick thinkers
those are the ugliest shoes i have ever seen
Japanese panty models are cute!
turning japanese
welcome to Guam.
haha, thats awesome!!
Fans weren't sure what to think of her cover of "My Ding-a-Ling:
one brazilian boy in this picture..kkkkkk
only in japan
Asian pussy. Once in a lifetime....
Photographer was gay.
i KNOW it's slanted! just turn the damn CAMERA!!
wow, wtf a man with brazil's shirt was doing there XD???
tinha de ter um brasileiro no meio
Those shoes don't even match any part of her outfit!
6 cameras with the spot! WHERE IS ONE OF THAT FUCKIN PHOTO ON THE WEB???
she put her leg up! quick, get the shot!
Maybe its saying something lol
only in Japan are they that desperate
guess what guys? PENIS!!
Why did the picture with the boring angle get posted?
Well she is a very good sport...
I'd rather have that picture than this one
The only spoiled thing here is that we don't see her undies
Those panties must be on youtube.
Those shoes don't even match any part of her outfit!
can some 1 tell me the name of this girls?? pl
Oh my god! Under her skirt... It's Godzilla!
a Brazilian in sight. We can not do without!!! kkkkk Dá-lhe Brasil...
Which one is singing?
the yellow zone is for unloading only
Freakin Asian tourists.
you mean "tiny weapon of Mass Distraction" - right?
When opportunity knocks... You answer
lol weapon of mass distraction
nice cunt jajajaja clic clic clic
Um, just trying to get your best angle sweety....
mga mnyk !!!
she has a penis, you know. I mean come on, they got nuked
Just because the upstairs is pretty, doesn't mean the downstairs is...
This isn't a true Asian picture until the piss comes out.
dis is why i love japan
no shit
Hi im Chris hansen why don't you have a seat?
did you see my face?
Boys add cock to pussy collection
a tiny weapon of mass destruction