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He's too old! Too old to begin the training.
Wait, I can do this. ... ??? ... What happen? ... D'OH!!!
Ready... Aim... steady now... DAMMIT!!!
Poke poke poke poke poke poke,,, Hmmm, what am I dong wrong?
He missed.
Its funny at his expense, yet all I feel is jealousy...
Whoa! He has duct tape on his arm...
you're doing it wrong D:
Hole FAIL.
Nothing unusual here...
It's all fun and games until you discover daddy has a subscription to Girls Gone Wild.
shhh shhh shh, it's just my penis. giggidy
Hey babe.. Ready for some NAFTA??.. Nother Afternoon Fuckin That Ass!
i wish i was him right now.
Happy Bird to Royal Hawk, we're preparing for in-flight refueling!
who the fuk wundt get a hard on shes a fuken bomb!!!!!!1
yeah but can you really blame him
that's what happens to a normaly guy
Fuckin sniper
Lumbar Support
Don't worry baby it's not a gun
hey can u blame him?
Awkward boner :D
хаа стояк и не стесняемся))бабы наоборот любят такое ыыы
That's me
that's what happens to a normal guy with that teen
that's what happens to a normal guy with that teen
Hands UP BABY!! ... This is a STICK UP!!!
I gotta CHUB!!
Missed by one or two inches
What the hell. That was me at a picture of my friends 18th birthday party... I got slapped shortly after...
he took the term 'grinding' quite literally
Lol !! I Know This Girls !! Vanessa lol
This "HOLE" image was a failure.. Got it? aww..
Awkward biner :D
Oops. I missed again.
that's what happens to a normal guy with that teen
Oh.. Th- that's not a boner, it's just my.. Um.. Shorts.. They do this sometimes..
Haha does any one but me see the bong in back lol
OH Look! there is a mosquito in your back! Let me kill it!
I don't blame him. XD
He likes her too much.
хуй вам в рот ебаные янки!!!!!!!!!!!!
short poker
that's his sister - ewww !
suprise bitch!
Let a brotha poke!
Look!! your earring just fell down!! look for it while i keep your back.
damn i missed
cant blame him that chick is hot as hell
It's the new PRON book by PBS: "Where's Waldo's Boner?"
Nice cock, I want suck it.
ME TIMES 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
surprise butt sex!
that's what happens to normal guy with an ass like that
ХАхаа)) Epic fall :D
bad man..missed it..
oh here i go!
shes bonerific
i would do the same
FYI I am spy
thats not what r uthink it is