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Hallelujah Indeed!
Josh finds the only woman that will show him any affection...
That's what I call a resErrection
jesus christ
Would you like to buy a SUNDIAL!?
she ain't going to be virgin mary any longer
god damet virgin mary
That's what we all wanted to happen in Doctor Who episode "Blink"
holy tits
he just caught a glimpse of epic bush.
Man, I'm so glad to be Jewish right now.
oh yeah gigidy gigidy goo
Am I pretty :P :P
Aww.. is that it? I... I thought angels have.... screw it. Satanism it is.
Very nice very nice, now jiggle them a little.
"This weeping angels fanfiction is kinda hard to take seriously."
Pfff...is that it?
Young benedicto XVI
IM going to hell
Praise the Lord! I'm in heaven!
is still dont get it...
I'm coming to church more often.
hehehe ewwww lol
epic fail
...with dead guys?
Hallelujah Indeed!