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Hey Sarah, is that roofie kickin in yet?.....Tod's is.
а водочка то журавлиии)))
Robin wondered how he could get Steve in bed with HIM before the night was through! He had to get rid of the skank that steve came with......hmmmm.
Good thing she shaved her moustache before she... oh wait..
Hey do you have another mole like the one on your forehead....come on show me your hairy chest.
pick pocketing is a bad habit....except if your gf is looks like a bf
Hey sarah, is that roofie kickin in yet?
hey baby I'm so jealous of your mustache
HAHAHA but look at the dude in the background!
hey girl you so fine...... i know your my sister but we can do dis
look at the guy in the back left fondling his lip
YEAH, it's me!!!! I'M FaMoUsE!!!!!
mind control take #3: finally working!
YEAH, it's me!!!! I'M FaMoUsE!!!!!
I pomise I won't touch
The more I drink.......the more your mustache fades.
lol the guy in the background "my finger has a taste"
лол, водка реально русская
"Hey girl, want to SIN!?!?!?!"
"HAHAHA but look at the dude in the background!" this is spoiled the whole point is the dude in the background, dipshit
Более того,это Якитория на Новом Арбате))
Hey Sarah, is that roofie kickin in yet?.....Tod's is.