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Grabbing a fat chick's boob. Bowling at it's finest.
No tits for you. Sorry Yellow.
Myspace Profile Pic FAIL
OMFG MY FRIEND TOOK THIS PICTURE!! xDDD!!!! She flipped when she took this picture she came and showed all of us, it was hysterical! I cannot believe I found this on here!
It's called called checking someone's hearthbeat
Hes sad because he wants the man to grap his own nipples .
Uhm, i know that "fat girl" and you guys are assholes. She's an amazing friend and seeing this on here makes me sick. All of you need to get a life cuz i bet everyone saying these comments are just people 6 times her size sitting beind their computers trying to make themselves feel better. GET A LIFE!
That's how you hold the bowling ball.
fat chicks need lovin too
where did this picture origionate from?
WHAT CITY WAS THIS TAKEN IN????????????????????????????
Just realized his shirt says Willy Wonka on it.
Why didn't you grab mines?
A wild Snorlax appears.... o.O
She's not even that fucking big! And who cares if she's "fat"? Big girls need love too /and/ they can still be attractive.
Did I remember to shut off the stove?
Hes sad because hes a fat emo kid in disguise. It may be a her. Idk.
oh im sry.... i thought it was a bowling ball... my bad... xD
"let's not turn this rape into a homicide"
Hating family bowling day...again.
He's sad because he has to SEE that boobie -Hyrac
man - You know what honey? im gonna try with this one. Lady - Fine...
dont be lonely get a fat chick to go bowling with you too. its like catnip to em
hes sad cuz hes not feeling a boobie
Grabbing a fat chick's boob. Bowling at it's finest.