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Some are obviously not...
correction not all woman are meant for decoration, others are meant to hold stupid signs out in the cold
Its cruel to make that ugly bitch stand there with the sign all day..
a woman that ugly should cut her losses and turn that sign into a portable glory hole
And the hooters women Felt soo sorry for her they brought out make up and Curling irons to make her pretty. then also know she actually is for Decoration.
Putting a bag over her head isn't decorating.
I'd beg to differ
Hey, are you guys hiring?
Hi, mum.
Ugly women should stay home. Hooters girls ROCK!
History does repeat itself, Neanderthal on far left is prime candidate. You-Please-Stand-Behind-The-Sign!
so hooters hired a fugly woman to stand out side their restaurant to make their employees seem even more attractive... genius.
It's like you can almost feel the hate radiating of her.
Feminism: Only ugly women care...
I agree, baubles and tinsel make us look fat!
Oh my goodness... A woman working at Hooters who's boobs aren't the size of her head... they do exist.
she is doing a nice job decorating the street
I didnt know cave men work at hooters??
Her clothes are so much better
Well something has to be done with you...
some are., and others are simply ugly, shit happens
Face it, all feminists are ugly...
Wow, i thought that was a guy holding the sign. lol
I wonder if Hooters would hire men...
"Heeey, what says that sign you're holdin there. Oh yes, we totally agree"
wow, i thought that was the guy holding the sign. lol
Yep Shes Jealous!!! Why buy a Porsche and stick it in the Garage lol
She started workin in Hooters
Haters gonna hate
No no she's right guys they aren't meant for decoration... They're ment to make sandwiches.
Haters gonna hate.
Damn right... other uses include cooking, cleaning, and sex.
She started workin in Hooters
Holy sh*t! Those girl's legs are almost as large then the box this woman is wearing
I thought it was a guy, seriously, until i reas the comments
The ugly blonde in back left should stay home too
Wow, i thought that was a guy holding the sign. lol
Forget "Butterface" she's the missing link!
"Sorry, dollface. I couldn't hear you over the sound of my trousers shifting."
Envy: it holds signs.
some are for irony
Some are obviously not...