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I'd like to make a toast to FAIL.
"BITCH, I'll show you a "cheers"!!!
це він її по голові бив а вона захищалась He beat her in the head as she protected
It's beer bukkake time !!
this is more of a perfectly timed photo
Oops,I spilled my drink.
plus, there's balls on one plate, and a penis on the other.
There won't be a second date
Man! that snack is ruined! (
Bavarian dude (top left) approves.
They are so "smashed" !
the meal is a fail itself..
You owe me a beer b&%$#
Это она просто чокаться не умеет.This is simply not able to clink glasses.
glass half FAIL
Ted Bundy signals his intentions early.
Where everybody know's you're lame.
fridt date i wonder how the rest of the relationship will be is this a sign {
Man: cheers Stares at her Man: -.- FUCK YOU!!!
Damnit, you bitch!! You made a CHEERS FAIL!!!
Wonder woman in disguise!
"Cheers" "Smashing"
Toasting, you're doing it wrong.
Here's to FAIL
Making a toast. UR DIONG IT WRONG!
haha cheers!
and on her plate...there are balls.
y wasnt she wearing white??
That was AMAZInG
Ничего необычного, так всегда русские чокаются.
What a honeymoon
Is that at the Hofbrauhause in Munich? It has the logo on the beer glasses. I was there last month, they have awesome beer. I'm pretty sure that I had that exact same dish with the two round things.
Oops, I thought we were going for a fist bump! My bad.
From where I come, you don't drink beer from the glass, you smash it on another glass and then lick it off your partner's body. But everytime we pray that our partner is of the opposite sex. I still have nightmares about Bubba.
Haufbrau haus
that guy couldn't hold his beer
Damnit where's my fucking food!!!
Isn't that the doctor from ER?
shes kinda pretty
the knife would be in his head
This is when his face reacts to his brain's realization that the date is officially over
Bear Cum
I'd like to make a toast to FAIL.