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"Goodbye, cruel world!!"
"But, Mom, kitty ate all my Cheesey Poofs!!"
He couldn't reach the sink.
what the hell is that crap in the bathtub?
honny, get the camera, are kid got stuck in the toilet. wife: is he ok. husband: no, but get the camera first
This is serious. My grandpa died like this
the abortion that survived returns to exact it's revenge
he's the shit
Narnia, when you least expect it.
Johny you should have used the baby toilet. (bottom left corner)
``Mom, look what i did in toilet today´´
This is what happens when you let toddlers watch 2 girls 1 cup
With all the crap it the tub, this family must obviously bathe in the toilet...
whyd they go and leave the lid up? jeez hygene nowerdays...
Oh my good! I shat a little boy and I'm gonna take a picture of .. oh nevermind
I'll see your baby-bitch ass down them tubes!
I'm more curious about the wood blocks and magazines... wat
basement cat is draging someone to hell
Narnia, when you least expect it.
calvin bath
What is all that crap in the bathtub?
The tubs packed, but lost the toilet keys!
look at all the shit in the bathtub!
they eat children!!!1
your child felt down to the toilet? make the photo!
He putz than lotion on his skin or else he gits flushed again lmao ( wut tha fuck is this hoarders bathroom edition since tha Lil fatass can't git in tha shower he tries to take a golden bath lol
thats one way to dispose of a body
"Goodbye, cruel world!!"