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Assuming that AIRS is slang for rice crispy treats and, rice crispy treats is slang for tits, then, sure, I'll do that.
Nah, I'll pass on the airs. However, I'm open to other areas. (Yeah, I said it. I blame porn)
ATTENTION! Will everyone NOT wearing a KMA T-Shirt please please remove yourself from the view of our camera!
Those glasses are the worst fashion statement ever
Is that chick on the left a plastic model?
this picture now available in assorted flavours of fail.
My favourite thing in this picture is her T-Shirt.
The chick on the right looks stoned O_o
i would never kiss her arse
Original Cazal, hype shit!
Paris Hilton at her finest
Amazing, everyone in that shot totally spoiled it.
I see you're a Hipster. I'm quite hipster myself.
Four mingers and a vampire walk into a bar . . .
What bitch said you look cool like that.. * Guy in the back* Guiltyyyyyyyyyy
WOW!!!!...in this pic everyone is retarded!
Ahaha! Captcha is "out wenches"
Ivan makes a killing selling misspelled t-shirts at Spring Break Siberia.
this is what niko bellic did before GTA IV.
A wild snorlax appears
I think that ginger was on America's Next Top Model
Assuming that AIRS is slang for rice crispy treats and, rice crispy treats is slang for tits, then, sure, I'll do that.