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Her daddy has trained her well
Look Mom! The balls u love to play!
you can tell she's going to be very popular in high school....
That little girl has been well trained to laugh at a penis that small
Whoredom: Gotta start at an early age.
Look dady theyre bigger than yours
"When I grow up, I wanna be a TSA agent and touch this!"
LOL at the model giving a thumbs up.
можна яйці з собою забрати, погратись дома?
Anyone else think this is sick? What parent would allow their child to do this, let alone take a picture and post it on the internet?!
thats right honey.... cup the balls, stroke the shaft, swallow the gravy
"Mommy, Look how small it is!!"
theres no such thing as training too early
Jimmy Savile gets exhumed
how the hell took this pic???
Omg that's Pedoskelleton!
In other news, a level 3 sex offender tore his skin off in a successful attempt to get curious children to softly cradle his balls, believing that he was not real. Consequently the sex offender was brutally dismembered after a tragic mistake by technicians working at the local Bodies Exhibition who believed he was just stuck together due to high humidity.
easter eggs
Thumbs Up!!!
Remember sweetie, mamma says, "always cup the balls":)
Future andrologist
ok honey, now lift them and and guess how much they weigh...
Mommy, can i buy it?
They grow up so fast,, it hurts ;D
looks like hes enjoying it
WARNING!: Package may contain small things.Child may want to put in mouth.
Mommy , is this the reason why you and were so noisy last night?
look mum it looks like dads
Oh how I wish I was a real boy!
Tis early practice makes the master :D
Luckiest Chinese prisoner ever
Common mom. Please! Aren' you going to tell me? What is this?
You got to say....the kid knows what she's doing ;P
Shes missing a finger
Her daddy has trained her well