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I smell drugs! HANDS ON THE WALL and SPREAD 'EM! ... That's right, McGruff the crime Dog on the job!
Guys, should I tell them that their blind dates took one look and bailed on them while they are counting to one hundred?
these are my bitches
Say that there is something white on my nose? Yeah, I know. I'm a drug dog.
Wilma Flintstone, Betty Rubble, and Dino
A perfectly good picture of a dog ruined by those girls...
Oh Hi, Didnt see you there!
every dog has its day.. lol
Move along people! Nothing to see here!!
Dog says - If you don't I will
"*sigh* women..."
I'll tap that elf bitch!!
dez is mah hoez and no u cantz have em
Dog: "Help Me... please"
"What are you looking at?"
Ага, вот эти ребята..
"Is the camera rollin?"
WOOF WOOF!! This is how I roll! Doggy style bitches yo!!
Excuse me... I've got to go stick my nose somewhere and sniff...
Doggy style!!
Seriously what would you do?
Welcom to my crib, this be mah bitches
oh, /b/ xD
lucky dog :p
Now who's your daddy.
They just like my doggy style
led zeppelin black dog
I actually would like to thank the dog for saving my eyes from viewing a herpes outbreak
China Dog says: "Woof! this is too hot for you, forks!"
In Sowiet Rossia ... Oh never mind ...
got bitches?
Censor dog says 'Skirt too short. Not her eyes'
kibbles n' bitches!
Snoop dogg in the house!!
oh yeh baby bend over for me!!
Well, back to work. Its two for Tuesday again.
Бля!!Девди ты?!
Time for some doggystyle
We like it doggystyle!
"bitchez be crazy"
You see the shit I have to live with
Joe Blocked!
So, do you like the dog tattoo I got on my ass?
the gos is looking the wrong way
"Wish I was a human..."
They just like my doggy style
bad bad dog
Ага, вот эти ребята!
Censor Dog :) -Johanna
Why they don't let the dogs out...?
Peanut Butter!
Doggy Style :D
I smell drugs! HANDS ON THE WALL and SPREAD 'EM! ... That's right, McGruff the crime Dog on the job!