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They do a better job on their eyebrows than most girls I know.
D is for douchebags!!
Ahhhh, guidos.....
Does anybody see that dildo next to the dude on the left?
we should genocide all guidos
This picture never had a chance.
How can you spoil shit?
well, i guess if you suck enough pen0r for long enough, your face will eventually stick. -Matt
Who is photo bombing, the douchebags or the dude to the right?
Gay guidos doing the duck face??? LMAO
Pauly D. and The Situation.
Hey... I resent you call them queer. No gay guy I know would ever willingly look like that. Ok maaaaybe the eyebrows but that's it lol
power tools
queers are like pirates except instead of parrots they have penis thumbs
stupid n.iGGer
is it bad that i am attracted to this? PHOTO BOMB
The guy taking the picture was a 5'9" brazillian bro.
the actual spoil is that they actually think theyre hot...
How can you spoil shit?
these guys are FAGS
This was Spoiled the sec them two did ther hair.....
the situation
the situation
Sad thing is, I'd do the wierdass on the far right before I'd do these two.
Guy in the back is the least dorky of the three.
Wow, they spoiled the picture so thoroughly I can't even see who the picture was supposed to be of.
Meet, The Situation, Cloned, doubled, and dyed beaner
The guy in the back: "I wanna be on Jersey Shore too!"
the guidos are photo bombing the guy in the background
nice lip gloss
Hey your mom called and said she wants her sunglasses back
AWESEOME! cloning is legal now!
omg, there........ WEARING THE SAME THING :O
So, the spoiler is that the guy taking the picture was 5'8" so we can't totally tear apart what they're wearing?
Ommmpa Ommmpa
gotta love the douchebags
These my friends are a fine example of douchebags
Yeah, surprised they stopped sucking each other off long enough to do a photo...
Check out our new fucking haircuts...
^Lol that's the dude on the right's thumb but lmao it did look like a dildo for a second
guidos are Italians...these are jersey shore boys, also known as douches
Slightly gay with a chance of fag....
fucking douchebags
'Hey Mah! I found some queers!' 'Where's muh shotgun?!' Picture this redneck style.
that shit was SO cash
Meet the Masturbani brothers.
the one on the left looks like buttercup \o/
my mom has the same pair of glasses
the gottis?
Hey kid !!1111!
You see those supercool dudes?!
Well what are you waiting for?!1
Be like a real Guido ! Today !!11
http://www.threadless.com/profile/331989/Psuedoknot/blog/83133/How_to_be_a_Guido -
I see nothing wrong with this picture. They all look like douchebags to me.
omg!!! its pauly D! dam he's gay :(
'Hey Mah! Look at them queer-o-sexuals!!' 'Where's muh shotgun?!' Picture this redneck style.
Gay guidos. FAIL