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The girl next to the yawning raptor guy looks PISSED
uncle rayray -
shes hot
Jizzed in his pants.
fap fap fap fapkonsin
shes hot.
mr. wisconsin: "GET OFF FUCKER!!'
gingers always spoil things
she's sweet i like 'er..
Wheres the black guy??? Cant find him! The black guy's like trying to find waldo!
The black guy's like trying to find waldo!
umm i love you so much
gawd damn that's hawt!
"Wisconsin embraces their one 'possibly ethnic' constituent." "I think she's Mexican" says friendly blond girl.
(chick walkin down in left) "I WAS GONE FOR THREE SECONDS...TRIFLIN!!!
Ha ha, he's yawning.
who's is the hand on her shoulder????
That's hot
yeah im so retarted, not me.
You expected more than one black guy? This isn't community college.
is that lindsay lohan in the left?? o.O
i found a black chic, over on the right side, 5 aisles from the kissing chica's, orrrrr HE'S wearing a very nice red tank top that shows off his boobs.
Girl to the right looks a little to..... enthusiastic
Wheres the black guy??? Cant find him!
The girl next to the yawning raptor guy looks PISSED