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OMG! He's wearing an Obama shirt
that dude wants what that catcher's pitchin'.
Dude. Stop Hitting Your Self?! x
Guy- "Euwh mai gawd a penis!"
where does this guy see an obama shirt?
will ferrell made an apperence
proof all yankee fans are retarded
It's Frank the Tank !!
Russian mobster man to the right disapproves of this play
Oh no, hes trying to grab my ball!!!
"If slapping myself as hard as I can while biting my tongue and getting hit off the head with a baseball all at the same time doesn't give me a boner, nothing will!"
HOLY SHIT A BALL "Initiate Slap Face Defense"
some guys really get off to base ball
OM NOM NOM,,, whudufuh to the face?
Hah, I had a feeling this photo would make it to the site. Love this one.
He looks like a young Goerge Bush, ha wat a tool!
he is Will Ferrell
ohh nooo ( said like gay guy from family guy )
NOOO!!!! Mrs.Woodcock, don't hurt me!!!!
How do you know that's an obama shirt?
Spastic alert
that's how i feel about the Yankees
OMG! He's wearing an Obama shirt