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Young doctor house
"one day, girl, you'll pay for this"
says his left eye -
"Soon my precious, soon you will be mine..."
and this.... is the birth of a super villian... lolz
You'll regret the day you broke my heart......
lmaoo that kid looks like Mr. Burns
They will be mine, oh yes, they will be mine.
guys, I study with her, she's not a slot ;)
haha it DOES look like house!! -lj
sooon my dears, sooooon
You will....LOVE ME!!!
I'd fuck her
if this was my penis, I soo would know where I would put it!
I loved you.. -.-
Whew become blue Отак стають підарами
ted bundy in progress
birth of a supervillian
id tap that......
Don't Hurt yourself. Or them.
you'll be minE!
the begining of a supervillain
So THAT'S the slut? -eye quiver- What is she smoking?
Run! It's Damien!
you will be mine... Ow yes you will be mine >:)
hes rock staring at tah lezbos !! :D
his face...like a ZIm's face *O*
-Damn!!! -She told me she was Straight before I bought those flowers from my Amish Brethren!!!
I has prostitute now?
It's not flowers he is holding. He is covering a boner
OMG lesbian! I wish i new it before
Guess where my other hand is? :)
One day, I, will, RAPE THEM.
"If she doesn't tap that, I will.. And oh.. i will".
I bet even your insides are beautiful...
Somehow, i don't think those flowers will be enough to clinch the deal..
Friend zOwned.
Looks liek Mr. Burns ?!
at the PD: "When was the 1st time raping thougs come thru your mind?"
Мне одному кажется, что у него в руках бита?
young mr.burns
I think his right eye once popped out laughing about his face in the mirror.
dat ass...
who the fuck wears that to anything but the strip club?
Birth of a Super-Villain
she laughed at my gift, i laughed at her grave
This is how evil genius appeares.
Those aren't flowers. IT"S A GUN!
(guys, I study with her, she's not a slot ;) ) you're right, she may not be a 'slot' but she's definitely a slut... That's hardly a dress!!!
"lmao that kid looks like Mr. Burns" Mr Burns wears a blue dress?
id tap that
I like how he's disguised that baseball bat at flowers.
Well.. I like the dress..
Burst into flames burst into flames burst into flames...
LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME???????????
that guy looks so much like wolfgang bosbach! (infamous german politician)
"Damn you! She should hav been MINE!"
Itty bitty titty committee
Soon my pretties... soon you will be mine!
bitch stole me date
a photo is defiantly worth a thousand words, but that dress style defiantly attracts a thousand A-Holes.
sometimes mother is as hot and awsome as her daughter :)
One day! YOU WILL BE MINE!!!
LMAO first that girl on the left is a slut, second that dude is awesome! ahhaha
one day you will be mine my prettys...
It's Little Moe Syzlak!!!
The TRUE birth of Solomon Grundy
birth of a super villian
Can You even call the a prom dress eww she looks like a Slut
young mr.burns
I am going to rape em' , I'm going to kill em' and rape em' again
I wanted that threesome so bad.
Holy crap... I just about shit brix when I saw that.
id fuck em
moe from the simpsons, younger version
she laughed at my gift, i laughed at her grave
"Someday you'll love me, someday..."
As other user say " RAPE IS INMINENT "
You're gonna get raped!
ah shit its the kid from the omen!!!
One day my pretties you'll soon be mine
Sepultura Fellings
Just think... two kills with one bullet
Not, he's young mou (from simpsons)
haha hes like i can do this damnit lol
Little Ted Bundy....XD
shit!!! I'v been waiting long for her, n' finaly she's a lesbien
This kid is obviously thinking "What the fuck is she wearing?"
Mmmmm...my sisters are so hot!!!
Young doctor house