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These are my lucky group sex whole night and white meat in the morning for breakfast
He's on a boat!
pedobear approves
He loves him some white meat
This is children, bitches, what group sex could be?
Which one doesn't belong
The one in the middle actually looks part black
nothing funny about it
you got it all wrong? it was supposed to a pic of the dude..those kids messed up the shot..DAMN KIDS!
i did these girls' hair!
These kids are O-TAY!
Not funny at all. AT ALL.
As if pedophiles aren't bad enough as it is, it's a BLACK pedophile. Dang.
More booze girls? Drink up!
Black guy approves
he must've fixed their hair
Which one doesn't belong
Darkness!That nigga dark as sin you best hide yo chiilen That raping everybody up in hea
wy this whit girls have to ruin this dude foto
What's wrong with this picture ? A black man on a boat.
pay back for brad and ang
so thats were rkelly is
r kelly on the loose again
u all got it wrong, it was just spossed to be the dude...those damn kids messed up the shot...DAMN KIDS!
What has one thumb and likes to touch kids?
oh yeah
some will get raped
i see nothing wrong with this photo
Abe's images feminine in all its forms
the pedobear has transformed into a black guy :O _____________ Dude, I've wanted to say it first))
Lebron says, "Me Likey!"
anyone notice that their are three white kids on a multi million dollar yacht with corn rows yet the black man is rockin a mini fro?
These are my lucky group sex whole night and white meat in the morning for breakfast