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It was white when she bought it.
Huh? ... What? ... Oh, THAT? ... I'm just holding it for a friend. ... What? ... No, really!!
I have NO idea why my ass is sore.
Dear Grandma... Heres a photo of me on my Birthday. Thank you for the $50 I used it to buy something chocolate.
hot girls get lonely too
Oh come on, a girl isnt allowed a dildo without getting lol'd at? WTF? I mean, i as long as she uses it in the kitchen where she belongs...
Bow Chikka Wow Wow
Its just a lighter i promise!
Hi mom! Yeah, It's plesant company here at campus...
she's cute, I just want to watch her use it
No wonder she's smiling
She was white when I bought her.
i hope that penis has been between those 2 beautiful feet
What a nice bed...and what a lovely girl...and what a nice bedside table...and- WTF!
masterbate much lol!
This is a Brazilian girl. I remember when this photo first appeared on the web. She said it was a lamp.
sh'es so hot, the FURNITURE has a hard on
dear lord no wonder no one can pleasure that woman!
Of course shes latino
She has cute little feet! *tickles*
I would show her how to clean her feet using only my tongue
Somebody photoshopped a red oval and ruined the picture.
Da joj dam jedan pravi kurac
You need to wipe off when you are done, thats gonna draw flies
She has cute lil feet too! :) *tickle tickle*
It was white when she bought it.