Current Reactions
that kid is awesome
pedobear in the wall! but under cover
F the first grade
atta boy!
The kid said he didn't want to take the photo, but they didn't believe him....
OMG!!! im so sorry folks, he will be put in time out when we get home!!!
haha, I did that in like my fourth grade class pic and they made my parents pay for the re-shoot and all the prints. bad friggin' day.
President Bush's early years...
hes like: "me is owning you bitches" :D :D cool kid
That was so me in Kindergarten
Demon girl in top row middle from shitbrix.com
That's MY kid!
That kid is is just a distraction placed by the badly-disguised Pedobear behind them...
Girl in yellow looks like she has no arms.
fuck ya'll i ain't doin no stupid facez
it's always the quiet ones...
ang bata ga fuck you
ang bata ga fuck you
looks like eminem
This kid is what made nerds badass
harry potter? :O
Troll face
haha thats something I would do XD
the wondrous flashbacks of the angry video game nerd
it's that Stone Cold Steve Austin when he was has a kid?
Eminem in kindergarden..
girl in yellow "ooh im telling"
Guess who got detention that day
Kids: They are the future
F*ck the hall monitors
at first i saw the girl totally not participating, then saw the boy in the front. hey, they all did a good job at being in a crazy pic.
whoa, and he looks like a nerd. HE PWNS.
no FUck YOU!!!
this boy has a great future!...
That scary girl in the back looks like I did in Kindergarten.
If mommy does it so can I!
Im laughing, but it's not my kid. Would an ass whippin be warrented in this case?
Omg that's Alden from 7th 2nd grade. Omg
Kidd Rock in Kindergarten
armless girl in the back wishes she could fire double middles at the picture lady who said "put your hands up and be silly"
real education
That's mai boy.
kid in the front left
that kid is awesome