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If the Bible proves the exixtence of Jesus then comics proves the existence of SSuperman
Freedom of speech. Got to love it.
this photo is a win...
Don't call your boyfriend to the AntiGay meeting, he can spoile everything!!! ---------------------------------- Want some extra money - earnmoneyonline11.tk
soo um i heard u like the cock
you know, you never hear of jews hating gays, and thats where the bible comes from, or at least the part with gay hating
Can't we all just get along. Laugh at the humor, the irony, etc. It's funny no matter what you believe in. I'm just happy to see his shoes match his shirt...
Why does Ringo seem to be in a lot of these?
Guys, can you stop being suck ridiculously stereotypical internet trolls?
gayness issomething in the DNA, so that means god made them to be gay for a reason.
In spite of all of the very political and subjective statements here, THE PICTURE is rather witty and ironic in it's incidental placement of characters. i like it. it's just funny. both protester statements are equally silly. i would love to know what the guy was actually SAYING at the time.
"My left nipple loves the cock." FTW
:O he looks like Ringo Starr!!
There should be a law against caps locks in real life.
Strict Christians....the same people who say Harry Potter is evil.
red shoes!? Lol
2000 Years from now someone will find a Superman Comic and worship Superman the savior as the son of the Jor-El and part of the holy trinity which is Superman, Jor-El and the Holy DC, and thus remember him as the man that saved us all from the horrors of eternal suffering by taking upon himself the kryptonite in our hearts. Moral: Farwk Jesus.
I see waldo WTF!
God made gays, lesbains, bi-sexuals, and straight people for a reason. If you a truly religious you should accept that God probably has accepted the homosexuals as well. I SUPPORT THE GAY! They deserve it. SO FUCK OFF DUDE WITH THE SIGN. I don't wish bad things but I surely don't wish him well!
Holy Shit!! RINGO's a HATER!!!?
Freedom of speech depicted. God isnt to blame for evils of the world, man is doing the murder, rape, scams etc. God gave us fresh water, delicious food, beauty of creation. Just from looking at creation we know GOd is good. So would a good God sit and smile as men murder, rape, etc? A good GOd would feel anger toward evil and warn people if empending judgement is coming. sometimes Christians warn in the wrong manner, sometimes in a lunitc manner but i blame it chemicals in food today or cultic thinking.
heres the thing: God said its an abomination for a man to lay down with another man but, it said nothing of women ;)
Ringo loves the cock
I love this guy!!! Best Pic EVER!!
Hugo Chavez is on the bullhorn!
If the Bible proves the exixtence of Jesus then comics proves the existence of SSuperman