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LMFAO! look at the blonde!
"this isnt where i left my car"
Does anybody else see the evil rabbit face in the tree?
bad santa
So, who wants to feel Santa's Sack first?
santa came late if you know what i mean....
the girl then says "hey weren't the walls green before?"
O chet... It's Josef Fritzl...
Spy Daddy. Always Spying Her Daughter
The 2nd blonde from the left is like, I feel a disturbance in the force
OMG santa shaved!!!
Uh-Oh stranger-danger
christmas trees have all the luck
Pedobear says: too old, do not want Pedoman, on the other hand...
Around the corner fappage
Kinda creepy
So who's next to get the Clap?
no it's not, pedobear says : Too old ¬_¬
the girl in the flower dress is sedated like lois griffin in the christmas episode of familyguy.....
god damned it, the internet said if i left them in room with camera they would be naked by now
Dr. Pedo Phil strikes again!
I have no pants!!!
its tati scheiBe!
Roofies kicked in yet? Nope, just checkin'.
LMFAO! look at the blonde!