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I told her she could NOT wear my Gucci boots tonight! ... Ima KICK her FAT ASS when we get home!!
damn, those junk-for-your-trunk panties ain't half bad...
Who do she think she's fooling? Anyone can see that she is smuggling ass in those jeans up in here.
Oh...my...God. Becky, look at her butt....
Nice tits!
Those are my shoes, Bitch
i would look too
She has a mustache!
the girl behind her wants some of that
"Oh…my…God. Becky, look at her butt…." Took the wrods right out of my mouth.....
oh no she didnt
check the booty on that!!!1
stick it out...even white boys got to shout! well and manly black chicks...
fuckable, such a fuckable
I'd wash the paint off her face and fuck her for the next six months
lola monroe is a bad bitch
lez alert
Don't envy a plastic body.
AHahh Hell no! no she didn! steal my bootae implants
She is nothing but ass, she is freakin' tiny!
Hottest guy at the rent a center christmas party...
Omg becky! Look at her butt , she must be one of those rap stars girlfriend. I mean her butt is so big!!!
Now Thats A Horses Ass..How Is That Even Theoretically Possible.
As if 1 phone isn't enough...
"Bitch why your ass is bigger than mine"
Who dis grill tank she iz wit dem faik azz pleather payless boots,, "she punkin head"
I told her she could NOT wear my Gucci boots tonight! ... Ima KICK her FAT ASS when we get home!!