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A local duckface hunter locates a perfect duckface specimen in her natural habitat. This story and more on News at 10.
Only TWO DOLLARS?? ... REALLY??! ... DEAL!!!
That guy's reaction is the only sane response to the bile inducing "duckface" expression...
She's hawt
Her eyebrow looks like the Virgin Trains logo.
oh yeah she is!
she has webbed hands...
Unlike his great grandfather Elmer Fudd this descendant holds a beer can.
If this were Jurassic Park you would hear the Game Warden yell "Shoot Her, Shoot HER!"
her eyebrow is fucked. ha.
Steve-O's up to his crazy shenanigans.
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A local duckface hunter locates a perfect duckface specimen in her natural habitat. This story and more on News at 10.