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Wait a minute... This isn't the annual Fruit and Veggie fair...!
"omg,where the f*ck i am??"
This made me crack up immediately.
Win. -
Now Thats METAL!!! Pass Me Another Banana
woah hes WASTED
I was in this show :D
can you blame him? he needs his potasium. x3
it's called banana vodka , wtf where is my vodka !
Kurt Cobain. Is alive.
good fucking banana!!
ocmmed tsuzoku
i know i shuld have made a left at albakerky {
ah wheres my black cloths where did this banana come from ah man what did i do last night
drugs + banana = HEAVY METAL!!!!!!!
is that james hetfiled????????
"Where the fuck did i get this banana...?"
holy shit I cant stop fucking laughing~~
Duuuuuuuuude, want a piece of my banana?
holy shit it looked like kurt cobain!!!!!!!!!!!
he looks so confused lol
YEAH ROCK ON DUDE..bananas so hard core!!
mmmm... potassium.
One of these is not like the other
Little face peeking at the end of the arrow
get laid
It's like all black clothing then blue. C-c-c-combo breaker.
suddenly, while watching jimmy buffett play at the US Festival in the early 80s, wayne found a tear in the time space continuum that placed him at the 2004 ozzfest.
Wacken WOA ... waht the .. he isnt metal !
I REALLY like bananas, but I can't help but to wonder: are ther really metal?
- the heavy metal concert!!!
Ahahaha! That's great!
"So What man? I don't own any black clothes!!" but i got a banana
Good Thing I Brought My Banana
ah fug leg cramp i need potasioum to make it through this consert
You heard of magic mushrooms this is its cousin Magic Banana the bloke is as high as a kite
"Wow, this band is freegin awesome! I totally need to re-up on my potassium!"
Set your life easier get the credit loans and all you need.
Wait a minute... This isn't the annual Fruit and Veggie fair...!