Current Reactions
One wrong move b***h and I'll cut your throat while my friend goes to town on you!
Edie Falco is HOT!!
beautiful blue eyes
She's from Sietch Tabr!
Yes her eyes are very deep ^^
Her htc mogul is fucked
don't fuck with Tony Stark
Nice one but your eyes are not real
Oh Hai, is this the audition for Hong Kong Gooey?
Background Hater.
nevermind the guy on the left,her eyes are sooo fake
aahh shit its Iron man, Your Movie Sucked! *Sticks tongue out*
that's what you get for having fake eyes biatch *ruins picture*
I dont care about the bloke with his tongue out or that she has blue blue eyes I just want to cause her pain my crazy beard is proof enough I am into masichism
Jes. Dis is my real phuging girlfriend and doz are her real phuging eyes! Any more dupid quesionz my frien Chan will answer.
One wrong move b***h and I'll cut your throat while my friend goes to town on you!