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4 beers, 3 right handed chicks, one lefty and 1 nice ass complete with hole!
"Hope that's a girl…just fap'd to that" ... I've got some bad news
"TO BEER!!" ppppppppfffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttttt "whats that smell...?" "how did the picture turn out?" "WTF DEBRA!!"
OK but next time your opening them by hand.
That beer tastes like ass. Oh wait...
Photo shopped..look at the girls side
Visit for more funny and sexy pics
If you stare at it long enough, it looks like a giant dick...or balls.
That's a man baby...
Happy girls, naked girls and beer. What more do you want in life? joke! joke!
If that's a chick, I don't see how the pic was spoiled. It was MADE.
Hope that girl wipes.
Hope that's a girl...just fap'd to that
Nice bottle opener!
"Dude dude!! A snake bit me in the ass cheek, right here!! Dude get over here you gotta suck out the venom right now! I'M DYING!"
guess were this bottle"s going!
4 beers, 3 right handed chicks, one lefty and 1 nice ass complete with hole!