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The guy with the red beer can is about to shoot him
Hate it when bastards whip it out and piss on ya right in the middle of a conversation.
Babes? What babes? .. DUDE!! ... YOU SPLASHED MY SHOES!!!
dont mind me just peeing in public
Must be british...
Omg, that guy has a beer in his hand, he's reloading!!!!
Seems the man with sunglasses (top left) noticed it.
Guy in glasses who spilt their beer?
lol that is awesome
"do you know where the bathroom is?" "ahh just forget it"
No-o, the guy with the red beer can grabbing his "device" to. It's just a "little" bit bigger.
Now where did i put that pee cup
Damnit gary, you really pissed me off this time.
Thats Frat
it looks small...........lol
this should be on shitbrix
The guy with the red beer can is about to take his dick out too
wtf why is he still talking to his buddies wile doing his thing?
the red spy!
And Rick thought nobody was gonna notice...
"i called the chopper"
will forte taking a whiz
Damn it Gilligan!
look at his face! thats not piss thats jizz!
hahahaha xD EPIC!
OMG! Water comes out of his finger!!
Man my shoes feel wet all of a sud......DAMN IT JIMMY!
this is at melboure on cup day you can tell because that guy is drinking xxxx bitter (yuck!)
just another day at the melbourne cup
Dont look...dont listen.. just smile harder...
what... the... hell... how is this even possible?
The guy with the red beer can is about to shoot him