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Love the Duke fan trying to read it
That dude with the small sign: Epic Win
Win. Haha.
-=- -
hey gye look what eddy brught!!!
JJ Redick is the name of a gay ass Duke B-ball player. That game was at Comcast Center in 2004. It is notorious for the fact that ESPN broadcast that game and you could hear the crowd chanting "Fuck You JJ" in the background of the broad cast commentary. And guy with the "ly gay" sign had brought another sign and a marker, but tore the sign apart and added the ly gay part
to the guy that said he spelled ridiculous wrong, the guys name is jj redick, thats why he spellled it like that. and this pic rules. UNC FTW
hey man why you say the thruth in his face
I gave em all BJ's in the parking lot
Getting turned on here... :D -Hyrac
hahaha awww its young Marshall from HIMYM holding the small sign
JJ Redick is gay in real life so thats why he has that sign.
Love the Duke fan trying to read it