Current Reactions
BALL TONGUE!!!!! You got the dykes off, I think they'll mind me BAAALL TOONGUE!!!!! The rag I'm on we are justified BALL TONGUE!!!!! Congrats you just fucked up my make-up and shit BAAALL TOONGUE!!!!! What have you done for me?
2 girls,one cu...ah forget it...
"You spit I'll catch." "No you spit I'll catch."
RED PUPIL GIRL IS BAAACCCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the invisible man was defeated by two horny girls
Plastic cup at the bar?? ... WTF??!
This is stupid. What the hell?
Dude in the rear: Mmmhmm, double trouble. Bar Keep couple JD's up front please!"
BALL TONGUE!!!!! You got the dykes off, I think they'll mind me BAAALL TOONGUE!!!!! The rag I'm on we are justified BALL TONGUE!!!!! Congrats you just fucked up my make-up and shit BAAALL TOONGUE!!!!! What have you done for me?