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AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I never thought about how retarded people must look when they're all trying to take that same stupid picture
You gotta love the old guy on the right trying to have his moment of fame.
Ten bucks says every one of them is an American
Looks like the music video of thriller 33 years later
what the hell does it move several feet every few seconds why cant these ppl get lined up
I would get a photo of me pushing it over, ef that p.o.s.
to the right to the left ohhh goddammit you moved again!
it's the city of Pisa in Italy not rome.... ignorance...
Stupid People pushing Air
i have never thought that tai chi was popular in italy
ORIGINALITY............... is hard to find
Pantomime season is in!
Wow! 50 spoiled photos in one!
Thriller!!!! Thriller night.
look mom mimes.
someody said, kong fu fighting
Raise your hand if the human race is doomed!
Everybody gets their picture taken holding up the leaning tower. I wonder who did it first.
Why are these people standing about my penis?
hey fucker stop cpoying the comments under the pics.
all those guys who are pushing from the wrong side.. guess thats whats left of school nowadays...